COYA Pet - Amersify Case Study


COYA incorporate years of experience and knowledge in the pet food industry to create high-taste, nutritionally balanced, freeze-dried dog food that’s perfect for every lifestyle.

With our optimisation and ad strategy, account revenues grew from £0-£15,000 per month within 90 days of launch with two products featuring as ‘Amazon best-sellers’ within the dog food category.

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The brief

COYA asked us to support their upcoming launch into the freeze-dried pet food space. Our role was to create stunning designs through imagery and A+ content for their Amazon listings, alongside complete optimisation of keywords and copy for titles, key features and backend search terms. Once optimisation had been completed, we managed the client’s Amazon account end-to-end, growing sales to their first revenue goal and beyond.

The client had an initial revenue target of £15,000 per month and we were tasked to achieve this as soon as possible.

The Strategy

We created a 4-week schedule to optimise listings whilst planning the launch strategy and forecasting stock. Our optimisation consisted of the following elements.

Listing SEO
We completed thorough keyword and competitor research across the whole product range. The copy for the titles and descriptive elements was completed, boosting keyword indexing and product relevancy. The goal was to maximise traffic, click-throughs and conversion rates.

Image Stack Optimisation
As freeze-dried pet food is a new niche, it was important to clearly explain the benefits to new prospective customers. Imagery is a great way to highlight USPs and benefits, in an engaging style. We created fun and informative infographics which highlighted key features and product pull-outs, giving the customer more confidence to purchase.

A+ Content
In line with the new product image stack and infographics, we created highly visual A+ content designs, further detailing the benefits of COYA freeze-dried pet food over the competition. In conjunction with the other digital assets, it presented a strong brand image with a clear company and product purpose.

Account Management
During the optimisation phase, our Amazon performance team set to work on creating an effective launch strategy. The first 4-6 weeks were designed to cast the net to understand what products and phrases were converting and which were not. From here, we could double down our budget focus, targeting the top, middle and bottom of the purchasing funnel. Through our effective ad campaigns, we were able to grow sales significantly, exceeding the client’s monthly sales targets within 3 months whilst meeting their target ad spend TACOS.

The results

“The team have been incredible to work with, really grasping the brand and what we are about. Their knowledge of the digital landscape has been a fantastic support and is reflected in our brand growth and sales. Amersify are proactive, honest, knowledgeable and lovely people to work with.”

Amy. COYA Pet

Account Results after 90 days



  • Total Sales

  • Monthly Revenue

  • Impressions

  • Av. Conversion Rate
